just a humble and small content creator/artist looking to have fun and have a good time in the NG community :D fun will never be lacking here is your zone of random things

Kyo Kusanagi Nest @MegamanXgamer


the school :^

Esaka stage xd

Japan :,p

Joined on 1/15/22

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MegamanXgamer's News

Posted by MegamanXgamer - September 22nd, 2024

I'm sorry if today there is no fan-art of my oc like in the pico school one (which is why I'll upload it later xd) even so, happy day of madness to everyone!! :D and thanks to all those who contributed and had fun on this wonderful day (excited for the MC 12 chapter)




Posted by MegamanXgamer - August 28th, 2024

Feliz cumpleaños numero 16 para otra de mis sagas de videojues llamado! castle crashers!! (y despues de 16/15 hay nuevo dlc xd)

Happy 16th birthday to another of my video game sagas called! castle crashers!! (and after 16/15 there is new dlc xd)




Posted by MegamanXgamer - August 26th, 2024

mis guerreros... oficialmente se cumplio.... una de mis sagas favortias y la cual dio mi identidad y revelandome el gran amor hacia los videojuegos en general, cumplio 30 años de existencia... historia y sobre todo siendo el rey, gracias a todos los fans de the king of fighters por seguir de pie a pesar de todos los contra pies que sufrio a lo largo de estos años, a mi significa una marca en mi corazon... gracias the king of fighters por llegar a mi vida y a la de muchos niños que hoy en dia somos adultos y recordaremos a esta mitica saga de videojuegos... (Gracias Kyo Kusanagi por llegar a mi vida)

my warriors... it was officially fulfilled... one of my favorite sagas and which gave me my identity and revealing to me the great love for video games in general, turned 30 years of existence... history and above all being the king, thank you to all the fans of the king of fighters for continuing to stand despite all the setbacks that I suffered throughout these years, it means a mark on my heart... thank you the king of fighters for reaching out to me life and that of many children who today are adults and will remember this mythical video game saga... (Thank you Kyo Kusanagi for coming into my life)




Posted by MegamanXgamer - August 15th, 2024

Tengo pensado hacer un proximo video, pero sera bastaaante diferente se lo que se suele ver habitualmente en el canal, peroo diganme cual tierlist o rank hago de los (que para mi) son los mejoores juegos de entre estos 2 titanes de videojuegos mas importantes.

Loos estoy leyendo y solo depende de ustedes 🗿🫡👊

I plan to make a next video, but it will be quite different from what is usually seen on the channel, but tell me what tierlist or rank I make of what (for me) are the best games among these 2 most important video game titans.

Loos I'm reading and it only depends on you🗿🫡👊






Posted by MegamanXgamer - August 7th, 2024

Once again I come to announce something that presumably everyone already knows about the new UPDATE of castle crashers, and I will make a video about it giving my opinion :D (sorry for the long wait guys :,p)

nuevamente vengo a anunciar algo que presuntamente ya todos sabran sobre la nueva UPDATE de castle crashers, y hare un video al respecto opinando :D (lamento la graaan espera boys :,p)



Posted by MegamanXgamer - July 4th, 2024

I'm sorry for the delay but here I have to announce that today (yesterday) was my birthday! :D Sorry if I haven't announced many things here but I promise to upload more art and tomorrow I will upload a fanart of my birthday (thanks to everyone for supporting me and I turned 17 xd)

lamento la tarzanda pero aqui eh de anunciar que hoy (ayer) fue mi cumpleaños! :D perdon si no eh anunciado muchas cosas por aqui pero prometo subir mas artes y para mañana subire un fanarts de mi cumpleaños (gracias a todos por apoyarme yy cumpli 17 xd)




Posted by MegamanXgamer - May 19th, 2024

Aqui aportando y dando un buen feliz dia a pico! :D, feliz dia de pico para todos!

Here contributing and giving a good happy day to pico! :D, happy pico’s day everyone!




Posted by MegamanXgamer - April 6th, 2024

oh sii 2 seguidores! xD es una fiesta miren como bailo *baila :D* dejando lo random ehh y gracias por el apoyo que recibio el nuevo banner 

oh yes 2 followers! xD it's a party look how I dance *dance :D* leaving it random ehh and thank you for the support that the new banner received



Posted by MegamanXgamer - March 29th, 2024

I regret in advance, having left espa part completely dead xd but if so we will return with everything! Apart from the fact that new things are coming, and also we have a new banner ;D

lamento de ante mano, haber dejado totalmente muerta espa parte xd pero de ser asi volvemos con todo! a parte de que se vienen nuevas cosas, y aparte tenemos un nuevo banner ;D


Posted by MegamanXgamer - December 2nd, 2023

Holas a todos y todas ya es practicamente 2 de diciembre y se viene las fiestas!! y el mejor mes de todos ah si que esperemos que este 2024 sea mejor y que todos nuestros deseos y metas se cumplan y saluditos a todos! :D

Hello everyone, it's practically December 2nd and the holidays are coming!! and the best month of all, oh yes, let's hope that 2024 is better and that all our wishes and goals are fulfilled and greetings to everyone! :D
